One of the great dreams and challenges of every bonsai enthusiast is to collect and learn to care for yamadori trees.

And that's why in 2017, we opened Ikigai Bonsai.

Your physical and online bonsai store in Spain.

Our motto: to recover and cultivate Yamadori bonsai with evident quality and beauty to make them available to you.

Ikigai bonsai is the result of many years of learning.

We have the secret of the mountain and we share it with you!

Justo Lopez and Daniel Garcia

The Ikigai Bonsai Team

We met in the world of bonsai several years ago; even then we knew that we were Yamadorists at heart .

After being immersed in the world of bonsai, we discovered the need and interest among fans to own yamadori trees.

But not just any yamadori.

In 2017, we decided to launch our physical and online bonsai store in Madrid, Spain : Ikigai Bonsai.

Justo Lopez

Lord of the crop

I'm in charge of making the yamadoris strong.

My interest in bonsai began when I was very young and it was thanks to my father, he showed me the way.

The summers of my childhood were spent between nurseries and greenhouses, as my grandmother was a cut flower grower.

That was where I studied my first lessons in botany, cultivation, I learned how greenhouses work and how to treat all kinds of pests.

My father had his bonsai collection there, for me it was paradise, and when summer arrived...

A crash course in growing!

I listened to my ikigai and here I am

At 10 years old, I had My first encounter with John Naka's books... And I was amazed!

In these books, Master Naka explained how to recover trees from the mountains and spoke of the yamadoris of California.

At that moment I connected with my ikigai and became fascinated by the extraction of yamadoris in the mountains.

Then an idea came to my head… Go to the mountains .

Patience and perseverance are the key to bonsai.

I have been growing bonsai for more than half my life and I never tire of learning, of seeking perfection in extraction and aesthetics.

Trees teach you about strength and perseverance.

From the Yamadoris I have learned the importance of resistance.

I often wonder: How is it possible that a yamadori tree can survive with so little, yet be so beautiful and strong ?

I help you choose your bonsai

Daniel Garcia

The Lord of the Pines

I am in charge of designing and transforming pre-bonsais into bonsais.

A yamadori in its natural state is a diamond in the rough .

When you apply love and You start the modification with the right technique and knowledge, it becomes a unique creation that manages to excite me and excite others.

Creating nature is possible

In 2005, I had my first encounter with bonsai and it captured me.

They seemed to me to be the most incredible creatures in the universe .

This is how my relationship with conifers began... A long and branched relationship.

I spent a lot of my time studying and learning through books and magazines specialized in bonsai.

I was deeply passionate about it; I had Ikigai.

I wanted to create, design, sculpt and shape bonsai .

The secret about bonsai is…

Everything I have learned about bonsai is based on working, working and experimenting , seeking to obtain better results .

I am passionate about designing, it is a ritual, it is mental freedom.

The species that I like the most is the Pinus Sylvestris because They allow me to create creative and daring designs.

I try not to forget that the tree already has beauty in itself .

Its charm is intrinsic and invites me to discover it .

I respect its naturalness , all I do is emphasize it .

Go for your bonsai!

In Ikigai Bonsai

We advise you and answer your questions about the yamadori you need.

We ship to all of Spain and the European Union, with shipping costs already included in our prices.

Visit our bonsai garden in Madrid in Manzanares El Real.